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Dilmah Tea

Dilmah tea is the freshest, finest quality tea that you can get. The founder of Dilmah Merrill J. Fernando started his passion and devotion towards tea from the 1950's naming the company after his two sons Dilhan and Malik.

Today along with his 2 sons, The Fernando family business continually grows by providing their quality tea from Ceylon's best estates,  being hand picked and packed at the source the finest tea is distributed to customers in over 100 countries. My husband and I were lucky enough to be invited to Dilmah's tea fields and stayed several nights at one of  their beautiful Bungalows, Castlereagh. It had the most amazing view I have ever seen surrounded by the tea fields. The photos on the bottom are some of the pictures that I captured.

Dilmah の紅茶は最もフレッシュで世界100ヵ国以上で愛されている質のいい紅茶です。社長の Merill J. Fernando は1950年ごろから紅茶の質にこだわり 二人の息子 Dilhan と Malik の名前を取り Dilmah と言いう名前で家族で経営するビジネスを立ち上げました。

Dilmah はスリランカのセイロンでもより質のいい土地で紅茶の葉を育て、手作業で取り、パッケージを行い、一切他国産をブレンドしない ”純セイロン産” の紅茶にしあげてあります。私は2013年 Dilmah に招いていただいて、スリランカの紅茶畑 から パッケージ の最終段階のプロセスまでを見学してきました。紅茶の葉を育てているセイロンのtea trails には一般の方も泊まれるバンガローがいくつかあるのでぜひ行ってみてはいかがですか?私が泊まったのは Castlereagh Bungalow、下の写真のところです。

Castlereagh Bungalow
Castlereagh Bungalow
Castlereagh Bungalow
Castlereagh Bungalow's View
Castlereagh Bungalow
Castlereagh Bungalow
Castlereagh Bungalow
Our Room We Stayed
Main Dining
View from our Room
View from our Room

Dilmah is not just about the tea. It is about sharing, caring and loving others in need. The revenues from Dilmah around the world funds MJF Charitable Foundation, enhancing over 10, 000 people each year with 100 different humanitarian projects. I also had opportunity to visit some of MJF Foundation places. Below are some photos. For more information on Dilmah please visit the links provided below.

Dilmah は紅茶の販売だけではありません。世界でのDilmahの紅茶の収入の一部をMerrill J. Fernando氏は MJF慈善基金を作り、やく一年間で1万人の人々をあらゆる面で救っています。私もこの目で見てきて体験し 思いました。Dilmahはただ紅茶の会社ではない、人と人が愛して助け合う大きな家族みたいなものと感じました。その時に行った時の写真が以下です。Dilmah の事をもっと詳しく知りたい方は下のリンクへ是非ご覧下さい。

MJF Centre in Uda Walawe
MJF Centre in Uda Walawe
MJF Centre in Uda Walawe
MJF Centre in Uda Walawe
MJF Centre in Colombo
MJF Centre in Colombo
MJF Centre in Colombo
MJF Centre in Colombo
MJF Centre in Colombo
MJF Centre in Colombo

Dilmah Recipes

Following are some of the recipes that I have created for the Dilmah Real High Tea Global Challenge

Dilmah Australia Official Web Site
Get the latest news and events in Australia
Dilmah Japan Official Web Site
Get the latest news and events in Japan
Dilmah Official Web Site
Get the latest news and events around the world of Dilmah
Dilmah Real High Tea Challenge
Dilmah's professional and consumer high tea challenge, why not take your culinary skills to the next level
Baby Shower and Christening Cakes
Dietary Cakes



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