You have something else in your mind? Then contact me so I can make it for you!
Old Time Favourites

Special Occasions

Dark Chocolate Mud Cake

Dark Chocolate Mud Cake with chocolate goodness

Chocolate Sour Cream Cake with Milk Chocolate Buttermilk

Mud Cake with Buttercream and Fondant Logo

3 tier dark chocolate mud and white chocolate mud cake coated with ganache.

Chocolate mud cake with dark chocolate ganache, orange buttercream, purple mirror glaze topped with chocolate garnishes

Red velvet cake with dark chocolate ganache

Dark chocolate mud cake with dark chocolate ganache and peppermint and milk chocolate buttercream

3 tier vanilla and honey buttercake with lemon buttercream and dark chocolate ganache

Number cake. Moist dark chocolate mud with choice of colour lollies and toys

Dark chocolate mud cake with dark chocolate ganache and vanilla buttercream with white chocolate decorations

5 tier moist mud cake with chocolate drip topped with chocolate barks

Moist light and fluffy Japanese style sponge with vanilla buttercream, mirror glaze and chocolate decos

Dark chocolate mud cake with milk chocolate buttercream and white chocolate mirror glaze with donuts

Number Cake. Moist mud cake with dark chocolate ganache

Vanilla buttercake with salted caramel buttercream

Red velvet book cake with caramel mud ring iced with vanilla buttercream and dark chocolate ganache.

Port mud cake with dark chocolate ganache and chocolate buttercream.

Japanese style vanilla sponge with Chantilly cream and fresh strawberries

Japanese style moist and fluffy sponge with vanilla buttercream, pink mirror glaze, chocolate and banana lollies

Dark chocolate mud cake with dark ganache

Moist mud cake with dark ganache topped with fresh fruit

Dark classic mud cake with vanilla buttercream, golden mirror glaze, white chocolate decorations and milk chocolate rocky road

Mixture of Japanese style vanilla and chocolate sponge, mint cookies buttercream, mirror glaze and chocolate goodness topping

2 Tier Moist Dark Chocolate Mud Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache

Rainbow buttercake with vanilla buttercream and white ganache

This is super moist whisky, chocolate and coffee mud cake. Perfect for guys or non sweet tooth people.

2 tier super moist classic dark chocolate mud cake with green and teal colour theme cake

Vanilla butter cake alternating with chocolate and sour cream cake. Coated with vanilla buttercream

2 Tier moist port mud cake with glazed strawberries, fresh edible flowers and popcorn macaron.

3 tier cake. Moist mud cake and 2 tiers of red velvet covered in ganache and chocolate fondant.

3 tier dark chocolate mud cake with dark chocolate ganache.

Moist mud cake with vanilla buttercream and surprise smarties inside

2 Tier Dark Chocolate Mud Cake with ganache and vanilla blue buttercream and smarties inside.

2 tier of classic red velvet cake masked with vanilla butter cream. Topped with sugar flowers, pearls and gold leaf

2 tier super moist red velvet cake with vanilla butter cream and white chocoalte fans with pink tiger lilly sugar flowers

5 layers of moist butter cake masked in vanilla butter cream. Coated with dutch coco glaze and topped with chocolate and sparkle coated cinamon donuts and chocolate goodness

Nightmare on Elm St inspired corpse cake. Inside is the moist butter cake with vanilla buttercream and white chocolate ganache. The heart pumps as it was freshly slaughtered.

All edible. Both super moist and soft vanilla sponge with buttercream and white ganache

Vanilla sponge cake with blue buttercream and chocolate goodness topping

Moist butter cake with vanilla buttercream and dark chocolate ganache

Moist mud cake with dark chocolate ganache

3 Tier white chocolate mud and moist butter cake. Also available in port mud dark chocolate cake.

Horror villain inspired 21st birthday cake. Customer wanted specific characters and I have managed to get all the villains across from Australia. It is 3 tier topsy turvy cake of red velvet, mud cake and chocolate sour cream cake.

Rich and moist port mud cake with dark chocolate ganache, fresh fruit, chocolate deco and plaque

White chocolate and caramel mud cake with fresh flowers, butterflies and chocolate birthday plaque

Red velvet rectangular slab cake with pink vanilla buttercream, chocolate garnish and fresh fruit

Vomiting Barbie 21st Cake

White mud chocolate cake, white ganache with white chocolate panels. Perfect for birthdays
Valentines Day

Vicious Signature Halloween Cakes

Vanilla Cupcakes with chocolate bones

Pink coloured white chocolate. Available with more variety of moulds.

Choice of your flavour, gooey jelly and topped white chocolate brain

Devils Food Cupcake with classic vanilla bean buttercream with Halloween chocolate decor

Devils Food Cupcake with classic vanilla bean buttercream with Halloween chocolate decor

Devils Food Cupcake with classic vanilla bean buttercream with Halloween chocolate decor

Devils Food Cupcake with classic vanilla bean buttercream with Halloween chocolate decor

Devils Food Cupcake with classic vanilla bean buttercream with Halloween chocolate decor

Devils Food Cupcake with classic vanilla bean buttercream with Halloween chocolate decor

Devils Food Cupcake with classic vanilla bean buttercream with Halloween chocolate decor

Eyeball white chocolate truffles.

Classic Milenese butter cookie

White chocolate finger bars

Classic Milenese butter cookie

Classic Milenese butter cookie

My signature chiffon roulade with fresh vanilla Chantilly cream.

Japanese style Christmas Cake. Fluffly vanilla sponge with vanilla Chantilly cream, fresh strawberries.

Japanese style Christmas Cake. 2 tier fluffly vanilla sponge with vanilla Chantilly cream, fresh strawberries.

Voodoo and skeleton Vicious Cakes version of gingerbread man decorated with white chocolate

Voodoo and skeleton Vicious Cakes version of gingerbread man

Voodoo and skeleton Vicious Cakes version of gingerbread man

Lemon and Coconut Cake and Chocolate Sour Cream Cake

Lemon and Coconut Cake and Chocolate Sour Cream Cake

Fruit Cake, Red Velvet Cake and Vanilla with Raspberry Coulis

Any flavours of your choice, covered in plastic icing. Decorated with your choice of flowers (fresh or sugar) and ribbons and diamontes

Any flavours of your choice, covered in plastic icing. Decorated with your choice of flowers (fresh or sugar) and ribbons and diamontes

Any flavours of your choice, covered in plastic icing. Decorated with your choice of flowers (fresh or sugar) and ribbons and diamontes

Any flavours of your choice, covered in plastic icing. Decorated with your choice of flowers (fresh or sugar) and ribbons and diamontes

White mud chocolate cake, white ganache with white chocolate panels topped with rose petals

Red velvet cake, white buttercream with white and pink marble chocolate panels topped with rose petals and sugar swans

2 Tier White Chocolate Wedding Cake topped with fresh flowers and butterflies

White chocolate and caramel mud cake, white ganache with white chocolate panels topped hand made sugar flowers

Classic Milenese butter cookie bonbonniere

Classic Milenese butter cookie bonbonniere
Naught 18+ Cakes

Chocolate Sour Cream Cake

White mud cake with white ganache

Dark port mud cake covered in plastic icing.

Choice of dark port mud cake or white mud cake covered in plastic icing with bondage decor

Choice of dark port mud cake or white mud cake covered in plastic icing with bondage decor

Choice of dark port mud cake or white mud cake covered in plastic icing with bondage decor

Choice of flavoured sponge cake, dark port mud cake or white mud covered in plastic icing lined like Croquembouche